Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Enter Drama

My entire pregnancy had been the picture of perfection. No nausea, no mood swings (no more than my baseline mood swings), no cravings or feeling crappy. I really felt great! Then, on 7/19/08 I woke up to contractions that would not go away despite rest and gallons of water. I was instructed to go to the hospital where I got a shot to stop my contractions and was put on bed rest. When I saw my MD 7/22/08 (I was 26 weeks) she informed me that my contractions had moved the baby down into the birth canal and that I could no longer work until the baby was born. I have since been on restricted activity and have been seeing my MD like crazy. Twice a week some weeks! Now I am waiting and trusting God to bring all of us safely through this. I am 30 weeks as of 8/18/08. I have made it 4 weeks since the contractions! I will see the MD 8/29/08 and get an ultrasound to check Claire's growth. Because she is so low, the doctor can't measure her like she normally would. What all of this has taught me is that I am not in control. Big surprise! I am learning to allow people to help and me and graciously receive. I am also learning that babies control your life even before they make their debut. However, it is all worth it. I am actually loving my time at home and have used it to prepare for Claire, and prepare for our lives on Josh's salary alone. It's been fun so far!

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