Saturday, August 23, 2008

Picture Predicament

I knew that I wanted to post all of my digital photos on the internet to share with friends and family, so I set down on the computer to find the perfect website. This has proven to be a daunting task and one that made me a little insane for a brief couple of days. At first I was wowed with shuterfly's website and all of its bells and whistles. The classy way they display your photos is awesome. I even started an account with them and worked on it for a few days. I just found that it took a long time to complete any one task on their site. Then, I came across the Picasa site which allowed me to upload and edit about 24 albums within a matter of hours. Heavenly! However, I continued to click my way back to the beauty of my original shutterfly site. With help from Josh, I found the strength to delete the pretty website and commit to the practical Picasa one. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but you can still view all of the photos and even order them from the web and choose where to have them printed. I hope that everyone finds the Picasa site easy to navigate and fun to look at. If you want to view the site, you can look to the right hand side of this blog and Click where it says CLICK HERE. When I was feeling sad about deleting the pretty photo sight Josh taught me, "You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette." Thanks Yoda! :) Just like a man to offer a useless proverb in a woman's time of need. Ha! Made perfect sense to him... I am only teasing Josh- you are very supportive! I thought it was funny and was just glad to have resolved my picture predicament. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey girly...your mom sent me this website so I wanted to check it out. Miss you!! Can't wait to see you sometime soon. Hope you are Claire are both doing great. Oh and Josh, of course. :) Love you guys.

danielle said...

i have picasa myself, and i love it. i think it's more user friendly for your viewing guests than the others. i'm back in nashville and will call you when it's not so early in the morning. =)